We receive referrals from Njoro Children’s Services, social workers, police, village Chiefs, community health volunteers, schools and other community level individuals.
The Potter’s House works with all family members holistically, not only meeting the immediate and basic needs of a family but also offering long–term solutions. We support and strengthen families by providing items/services and provide training and work opportunities for parents to become self-sufficient. We equip families with the knowledge and skills needed to break the cycle of extreme poverty and to provide the safe, stable and loving family home every child needs to reach their God-given potential.
Our first concern is to provide for the family’s immediate and basic needs. This can include providing bedding, mattresses, medical costs, clothing, cooking utensils, fuel and food.
Equipping parents.
We work towards a lasting transformation that enables parents to become self-sufficient and break the cycle of poverty. We provide work and training opportunities for parents, education for those who have never been to school and we kickstart small businesses.
Giving every child the opportunity to reach their full potential.
We provide whatever is necessary to make sure every school aged child in the family is in school, or vocational training when it is more appropriate.
For Parents
The Potter’s House CBO takes a holistic approach when supporting families and part of that is spending time listening to, talking with, encouraging, and mentoring parents through new experiences and a changing lifestyle. Many parents did not have a positive parent/child relationship when they were growing up. This can make it very difficult for them to know how to parent in a positive way themselves. It is an essential part of our work to come alongside the parents in a loving way and to teach them new parenting skills as well as supporting them through their own past or present trauma and helping them overcome it.
For children
Just like parents, children need guidance, love and encouragement. A lot of time is spent talking with the children individually as well as in groups about issues they do, and will face growing up.
Support groups
Parenting is one of the hardest and most important jobs anyone can do. While most parents and caregivers do their best to raise the children under their care, they may feel overwhelmed or they may not know the best way to approach challenges. The hardships that they and their children face are often exacerbated by extreme poverty, lack of education, large families, ill-health, disability, or single parenting. Sometimes, parents and guardians simply don’t know how to cope and have little or no support.
We run a weekly support group where parents can talk to others who understand the challenges, emotions, and practicalities that they are dealing with every day. During the meetings, our Social Worker delivers sessions on positive parenting which teaches parenting skills and techniques that equip the parents to be better able to care for their children.
We also run support groups for those living with, or caring for those with a disability. Find out more HERE.
It is our mission to share the good news of Jesus Christ. When appropriate, parents are given their own bible, and when they are visited, we always take time to share the word of God and pray with them. We also run a children’s bible club.
To find out more about our Christian Outreach click HERE